The Wizards Of Blahs

Wizard of blahs.png

Think of a marketing course
you bought that:

you never went through
went through but not really
went through once
all the way through
but never again.

Was it just that one course?
Or does your credit card
have stories to tell?

Someone sold you
that marketing course.
There's probably
a YouTube video
where they break down
exactly how they sold you.
Maybe they show
what they bought with
the money you gave them.

You're meaning
to get around
to some of the courses, I know!
But your bookshelf
and your hard drive
are getting more use
than some of those courses.

Meanwhile, for the
untaken courses
the person who sold it
changed nothing in you.
They got your money.
That's it.

All the endless diagrams of your brain
and how you bought
might help them sell to someone else
and keep their shelf warm too.

But that course
is still collecting dust.

They have your money.
Nothing's changed for you.
But here's the funny part.
They believe they've got you hooked.

So did they sell you
or did you sell them?

Money is a funny metric to go by.
You might remember jobs
where money was coming in
but things were going badly.

Factor in the unhappy customers
and ones you can't engage
when you do your profit and loss sheets.
Not just as money lost,
but of "magic spells" rejected.

So when you celebrate your wins,
don't just lean on money for your
proof of success.
It will help you stay alert
for what's next.

Unless it's all just for money.
That's when the magic spells
get broken fast.


Robert Gibson