Don't Feed People The Crumbs Off Your Plate.



Can you remember every interaction you had yesterday?
Every message you sent and replied to
on email, text and beyond?
Every person you passed- stranger, colleague and friend...?

In every instance, you affected them.
Your tone of voice, the time you spent with them or cut short.
The degree of how you affect people varies.
But with your attention and time, you feed people.

When you watch dog food commercials,
things get real serious
when it comes to making sure
Woofie gets only the finest nutrition.
No artificial byproducts or fillers.

You're combing through Amazon
Yelp and Google reviews
like a hawk to make sure
you're not getting anything less
than great items and
a pizza place with decent crust.

When you're not being paid,
are you thinking about what you're feeding everyone?
Too many people to think about? OK - how many people are you comfortable with thinking about daily? I'm just talking about the people in your orbit.

What are you feeding people?
What are people feeding you?

Do you know exactly
how much time you need from someone
to feel cared about?
Is it 4 minutes and 27 seconds? 
Or 3 minutes and 41 seconds?
Do you have the exact amount written down somewhere?
What? All this time being alive and you still don't know? :)
Isn't there a recipe book that lays it out in 3 easy steps somewhere? Of course there is. lol

When you wake up tomorrow, you're going to want things.
Like a tractor beam you might be pulled in one direction
and speed by people 
like houses blurring together as you drive past.

You might be in a room of people
who seem like they see you 
but you're all passing each other by.

Remember when you were a kid
and it was the last day of school before summer?
There was nothing to do but shake hands
and count down til the final bell.

Everything was forgotten and forgiven.
Can you remember one time with that feeling?

You might feel that at a club at 2am and they play that one song
and you're with your friends.
You forget everything and enjoy each other.
That moment stays with you.
Dig deep - you have them.
At a concert, out with friends,
you could rattle off more times than you think.

Can you bring that feeling to someone in the next 24 hours?
Can you help someone you barely know feel cared for and safe? 
Do you try with small things like listening to people
or are you saving up for a big entrance?

It's 1:30 am EST right now.
The first person you talk to 
tomorrow morning, do me a favor.
Take 5 seconds and think about your tone of voice.
Think about how you start your email.
Just do that.

You have no idea
the good things you'll be putting in motion
for you and everyone around you.

But I do. :)


Robert Gibson