The Hidden Worlds In Every Heart.
Open any marketing email
and your favorite pied piper
is ready to share their secrets.
Right this way if you want to know
how to sell lots of whatever it is you want to sell.
Don't like selling?
C'mon over here - we can sell whatever it is you want
and best of all you don't need to know how to sell.
Don't like talking to people?
No problem!
Just send this letter - it's already written.
You just stand and collect the money.
Not sure of who you are?
We have that covered too.
You can be someone else.
Here's your affiliate #.
Just send the email with someone else's picture
and see what you can get going.
Are you seeing a theme here?
people are too willing to be a ghost
in their own lives.
Some are ready to forfeit who they are
in a moment of doubt.
People have hidden worlds inside them.
Lots and lots of them.
I'm not talking about interest or skill level.
You know your closest loves by heart.
If you write, it's who you are.
If you play music, it's who you are.
If you do anything artistic or something with care, it's who you are.
Some people are so busy playing grown up
they never have a life.
Your story isn't a bunch of words to get customers.
Let someone else do the TED talk.
Your story isn't the "a-ha moment" on your blog.
Your story is what you keep alive today.
Your story is the part you're about to live.
You're flying through your days
phone covered in texts
handing out scraps of you
each day.
It may very well be
that all you have to give
are scraps.
A few fleeting lines of kindness.
Do you remember that one teacher
who said one encouraging thing to you
that you never forgot to this day?
Oh, when it happens to you,
then one line is important, right? lol
Every crumb, every scrap and every grain of who you are
may be holding someone's world afloat
including yours.
People have endless patience
for the 10% improvement in business.
But the tiny shards of kindness are too poetic.
They're not.
See the big inside the small.
Instead of just listening for what people want to buy,
listen for what's ignored and forgotten.
Including inside you.
Have you ever bought from someone
who didn't love their job?
Then you saw firsthand:
A sale doesn't go in one direction.
Two people are buying.
I'm stopping by at 2am
to remind you to feed yourself.
It's hard to listen
when you don't feel heard yourself.
Listening is a special form of generosity.
Get the things you hold most beautiful
to the next day intact.
Forget the pretty planners.
Scribble it on a napkin.
Scratch it on an index card.
The worlds can stay hidden
without judging yourself.
If need be, whisper your vows.
Keep what you love alive.
These are the
hidden worlds
in every heart.
Tread Carefully.