How To Ask For Help (Short Version)
Hi *|FNAME|*,
I ask for help all the time.
From tech problems to my health.
Asking for help involves
a lot more than dumping
my problems on someone.
If done correctly, asking for help
gets me clear on my problem beforehand.
It helps me honor the person I'm asking.
It can help teach me how to
solve the problem on my own the next time.
It can help create a bond with the person I'm asking.
Some people ask for help like they're
somehow doing you a favor by asking.
And maybe they are?
But it's always nice to ask
with some appreciation anyway.
So here's some ideas for you:
How To Ask For Help
Whether you're going to a doctor
or a computer programmer,
paying someone doesn't absolve
you from asking for help correctly.
If I'm going to the doctor,
I know they're counting down the minutes
and it's up to me to get to the point.
It's the same in business
and anywhere you need support.
Some quick tips:
Do your homework first.
Write down -
What you're trying to accomplish.
How this problem stops you.
Have you had this problem before?
How important is this problem?
Is it "not a big deal",
“just wondering”
or a major emergency?
What is the problem as you see it?
Is there any chance it could be something else?
Anything you did that may
have caused the problem.
Exact steps you've taken
to resolve it - this avoids wasting time.
"I tried that already and it didn't work"
(Arrrghh! lol)
If you haven't done anything to resolve the problem, consider doing
something to resolve it before asking.
Were any parts of the problem
resolved after your attempts to resolve it?
Why are you asking this person for help?
Have you asked other people in the past?
If yes, what did they say?
Are you asking 20 people at once right now?
When you're given the help you asked for
Thank the person on the spot.
Even if you paid them.
Remember all the words you had
to describe your problem
and ask for help?
Put an equal amount of thought
into thanking the person.
"Thx" "..preciate it."
(unless your last name
is Jagger or first name is Bono):
Worst of all: No response at all.
Never take help without thanking people.
The best funnel in the world
won't save you from
treating people like furniture.
"Thank you so much!
I really appreciate your help."
Even after you pay someone...
Many ways to thank people:
Letters, calls...however you
want to thank people is up to you.
How do you want to be thanked?
Tell them if you're going to apply their help.
If not, tell them why.
Give them updates.
Tell them how their help turned out.
I got referrals from one dentist.
They were all great people.
I told him how each one worked out.
People who help you
are invested in your success.
Be a great investment.
Let them know their help was appreciated.
You track your expenses.
Track how you treat people.
Do you remember the people in your life
who never appreciated what you did for them?
They kinda sorta thanked you?
Are they on your list of favorite people?
No? What list are they on? lol
You're on people's lists too....
So keep this handy. :)